Friday, April 30, 2010

A Treat For Mom

It was Good Friday and company was coming to the house. Mom had cleaned everything and kept moving stuff. I think she was helping Marvin find his treat from the other day!

You see, Marvin has a hole he made in the kitchen screen door. He can come and go anytime he wants! He loves to catch mice and birds as you know and leave them for the family to enjoy.

The other day he brought a big fat mouse into the house and played with it a long time in the family room. The boy had left the door open and didn't even know about the game. The mouse got away and Marvin had been wondering about it quite a bit but finally just took a nap on the chair waiting to see if it might show up later on. It never did.

Mom called the gas man yesterday. He had gadgets and took apart the fireplace looking for a posible gas leak because Mom was sure she smelled gas and Dad agreed. Nobody found any leaking gas which was a big relief.

This morning while cleaning for the upcoming visitors Mom started moving everything and after watching her crawling around on the floor like a fool she moved the stereo cabinet and started screaming. It was soooo funny! She'd found my mouse friend. Marvin tried to help her and show her how to make it play but she put him outside instead.

The boy got up and took the mouse outside and he had a shovel. He was complaining but mom seemed really happy later and the house did smell nice after that.

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